Monday 3 November 2008

Indoor Fireworks

I tried to get some fireworks tonight from Tesco's, not a big deal, we are having a bit of a fire in the firepit on Wednesday, S's Mum and Dad are coming and I thought I'd get some fireworks. I'm mid thirties, two kids pretty sensible job. I don't intend to hold a rocket while I light it, stick it up a cats arse or any of the other things the cool kids do. I was just going to set some garden fireworks off and listen to my kids go ooh and ah. Apparently though I can't buy them after 6, due to restrictions at Tescos, I fucking give up. I read though that a Tescos in Oxford had been caught selling fireworks to 15 year old girl, I hope it was before 6 or I will complain! Maybe the 6 O'clock rule is there to make it easier for school kids to buy them.

For some reason I can't listen to any podcasts at work anymore, I think IT might have blocked me for whatever reason. So I have subscribed to my regulars through Itunes (herrinandcollings, the word, adam and joe, WFMU Mr finewine) I listen now on the train into work. The trouble is I can't help but laugh and chuckle I then try not to but that ends up in snorts and other strange noises. I was getting some very strange looks this morning. Maybe I should just go for it and laugh out loud like a maniac, at least I would end up with a seat to myself.

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