Tuesday 28 October 2008

Call me

There is a storm about the Russel Brand show last week. If you haven't heard about it I'll assume you live in a different country. Basically he called actor Andrew Sachs (Manuel from Fawlty Towers) for an interview and when the actor didn't answer he was leaving a message when Jonathan Ross (guest presenter) shouted "he fucked your Grandaughter!"

This then got worse as they repeatedly called him back to apologise but left more childish messages. The Daily Mail is furious and so are its readership. I heard there were 4500 complaints so far, mainly from people who haven't even heard it. It is a massive deal, that much of a massive deal that it took over a week after the broadcast to become an issue. I have heard it and they are out of line but it's not like they killed him or anything really is it?

I don't particularly mind Russel Brand, he is a bit of a knob but thats part of his appeal. I do believe he has no self control or knows what a boundary is, this is evident from some of the shows he's done. RE:Brand is on youtube and some episodes truly are car crash TV. The lack of self control is what makes him entertaining and popular. Jonathan Ross however is complete tool, his chatshow is just unbearable and unwatchable and he is not worth the amount of money(public money) he gets. The problem is that is also the Daily Mails stance on it and the reason it has blown up out of proportion and in order to stand by principles I will have to shrug off my prejudices and dislikes and stand with Wossy, I fucking hate the Daily Mail.

read the furore here

I hadn't read the Mails piece it is pure class, the comments are priceless.

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