Tuesday 28 October 2008

So long

I stumbled across an old friend last night on facebook ( I say stumbled I typed his name into the search box!). I hadn't seen him for nearly ten years, he did a disappearing act from what I recall was quite an unhappy and abusive relationship on one Christmas Eve and was never seen again. He is in Australia so I sent a message and added him as a friend with a "that's where you got to" line.

It's only today I realised maybe he doesn't want to be found! I must say though if I didn't want to be found I wouldn't have a profile on facebook.

Facebook is weird, it's not often I go on but find myself strangely attracted to some of its features. I spent half an hour searching through the members of the HMS Illustrious group looking for people i used to work with(there was a couple) and yet I didn't friend anyone. Why would I want to, its been 15 years since I was on there. I did however join the .Roger Palmerappreciation society, I saw him in a club once years ago and he was a true Gent. Ooh Roger Palmer.

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