Wednesday 7 January 2009

Baby your my light

On the way into work today I saw the headline of the Daily Mail about a revolt about old style light bulbs. Now I do make a point of not reading the Mail, it brings me out in a a rash and I tend to get annoyed but the headline intrigued me and like a kid with a toothache I couldn't help but waggle it with my tongue.

"Revolt! Robbed of their right to buy traditional light bulbs, millions are clearing shelves of last supplies " the headline, after a little reading it is about the phasing out of conventional light bulbs in favour of CFL(compact fluorescent light bulbs) fair enough I think, they use about 7 times less energy than standard. Yes they are a little more expensive but the cost will come down as more people buy them and they cost less in the long run. As I read on though it is only 100w bulbs that are affected . 100W! who uses them? I thought they only had them on sun beds. But what about our dimmers? the cry of the Mail readership cry. You can't use CFL's on dimmers, heres your answer, change the switch or just put a lower wattage bulb you fucking cretin.

It must be a slow news day at the Mail today, I personally can't think of anything else more newsworthy going on. Can anyone?...Gaza? Israel bombing schools? ....does it affect middle England? no. The readership of the Daily Mail will not be interested.

It is my hope one day to create a weapon that is word based and I shall place an ad in the Daily Mail, in one swoop we can be rid of the vast majority of right wing winging wankers in the country.


PS the Mail are giving away 25000 100W bulbs if you need one for your sunbed. If your interested that equates to around 1075 tonnes of CO2 emissions. Well done the Daily Mail.

1 comment:

Shell said...
