Tuesday 21 October 2008

Don't shoot my dog

I took big Suse to the vets last night, she's getting on a bit and her back legs are a bit stiff so I thought I'd better get her checked out. She's going a bit batty too, not in a bad nasty way but in a nice way. You know when your Nana got a bit older and would say mad and innapropriate things, thats what Susie is doing. She forgets she's been fed and will pester you for an hour to feed her again. The vet cost £48, that was £18 for some anti-inflammatory and a consultation that equates to £6 per minute, just because you can insure your pets now vets charge what they like, but who's going to insure a 13 year old dog? I consider myself a responsible pet owner and I have had Big Suse for over 13 years since she was a fat puppy. All things considered a few more vet bills and I'll have to take her outside old yeller style.

Another dog who will be taken outside is the deviant Shi Tzu - Mal, who has taken to wanking himself off on the front room floor, I have never seen a dog wanking before and it would be funny if it wasn't so fucking horrifying. We should try some aversion therapy on him, we'll wait until the moment of ejaculation and then crack him on the head with newspaper, that'll do the trick.

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