Friday, 11 September 2009

The Wizard

Would he do it? How could he do it? Would you care?

I am of course talking about Derren Brown’s boasts that on Wednesday he would predict the National lottery results (he did). There is a difference of opinion on Derren Brown with some hating him and others like myself thinking he is a great entertainer. The first time he really had me in thrall was the live stunt of Russian Roulette. It came as no surprise that it was staged but then who cares? It had me on the edge of my seat.

That’s what entertainment is supposed to be about, I would rather it be staged and enjoy watching it than there actually be a chance of him dying on screen. I’m not a voyeur. That’s why I’m no fan of reality TV. I also like the fact he doesn’t bullshit about magic and mysticism and is quite open about the trick being a manipulation of the mind. The fact he demonstrates how he did it in plain facts is a bold technique. One of my favourites was the heist where he programmed ordinary people through suggestion to rob a security van with some trigger phrases.

He did predict the lottery results and will tell us all how he did it on Friday. I won’t see it, as we stealing what looks like a sunny weekend away before the shit weather starts. But I will catch up on Sunday.

I had no doubt he would do it. There will be a catch though, we just didn’t see it. Also are you telling me he’s never used his mind manipulation skills to get off with people? We can only hope he never uses his power for evil.

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