When we have children we have a specific idea of how we want them to be and behave when they grow up. In my case, one of the most important thing for me is that my kids grow up with decent musical taste, I couldn't stand it if they didn't. I couldn't face it if my children had the Tesco taste of the average Briton. To this end I have always attempted a subliminal strategy when introducing my kids to music. I never blocked the S Club or Britney phase but i did try and introduce slowly some decent taste into my daughter and later my son. For example she loved the Flaming Lips Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots, so much so that she accompanied me to see the Lips on the Yoshimi tour at the Manchester Apollo. I don't think I need to tell people how spiritual an experience seeing the Lips live can be and I am pleased that She keeps the t shirt from the show .
At least she can have the rare opportunity to have a cool first gig, Most have a really shit embarrassing first gig, either that or they are lying. My fist gig was Transvision Vamp at the Manchester Apollo,I think we''ll leave it a t that. We have all met someone who says there first gig was the Smiths or The Stone Roses at Blackpool. Lying Bastards all of them.
So i did the best I could to ensure she had a good start in musical life. She has repaid that great start with a penchant towards mediocre, laughably dull American pop punk bands.
I should have seen it several years ago, that uncomfortable day when my 10 year old little girl brought her pop girl magazine or whatever it was called home and on the cover was Green day. What the fuck are they doing on the cover of a child's pop magazine, they are the same age as me, it was just weird. I did have a grudging respect for the band that appeared to be the only band who had released an anti Bush statement in the American Idiot album but I struggled to keep a place for that as they just got bigger and bigger.
Music is historically the way teens rebel, from Rock n roll, Teddy Boys, Mods, Rockers straight through to punk, Goths and Rave. That's just how it happens, the trouble is that when you are into music and its usually you who introduces your teen to a new band or scene how are they going to rebel? I rebelled when I was young with Thrash metal and loud punk, lots of swearing and angry lyrics. I always thought I was so cool but in reality my Mum enjoyed some of the bands I used to blare out.
My teen is rebelling with crap music. Safe American pop punk. Her favourite band is All Time Low. She has attempted on many occasions to try and get me to listen to them and I know that deep down she just want smy approval but the snob in me can't give it. They arouse no feelings at all. No hate, no love, no feeling at all and sometimes that is worse, just Meh. I know that the right thing to do is just say "oh yes love, they are pretty good, can I lend the album?" but I can't. She might tell someone that her Dad likes them.
Go on I dare you
Critical acclaim for All Time Low:
"OMG!! JACK is soooo hot!<3 i like thi? s version better!!" - darksunshine1995
"I <3 Jack n Alex!!!!! <3 they r? sooo cute" - OneHotAngel19
"alex and jack are fucking? sexy! i love this band!!" - iluvyou1998ily
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