Tuesday, 11 May 2010


Wow. What a week it's been. I have to admit that this is the most interested I have been in a General Election since I was entitled to vote. I make no secret of my alliances and the fact I've been actively campaigning in High Peak for the Greens has been an experience. I attended my first election count last week and it was a genuine event. We had Tory winner, and sour grapes from the Labour party. We got 2% which although not fantastic was a great start for a new local party. The tactical voting and Cleggmania which has supposedly gripped the nation in the run up to the election never really materialised. The country wanting change never really happened and basically two thirds of the country voted for the two old parties. They didn't really want change, they just mostly want cheaper petrol.

One fantastic result was the first Green MP in Caroline Lucas for Brighton Pavillion and I think we can all thank the good people of Brighton for showing how demanding change and then delivering it is done. I truly believe that one Green MP will make a huge difference.


If the scaremongering by the right wing press is to be believed we will be heading towards a Mad Max style breakdown of society by the end of the week if Cameron is not in power. With Sky News reporting that the public are losing patience with the negotiations and are demanding a decision. I'm not losing patience, are you? I am finding the wining and dining of Nick Clegg rather amusing, so far he has got the resignation of Gordon Brown, a promised referendum on the Alternative Vote, tax concessions for earners under £10K and some cabinet seats. All he is waiting for now is once a week with Samantha Cameron and use of the comfy swivel chair at meetings and it'll be a done deal.

On a lighter note. have you seen the Raging Boul.

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