My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I followed Justin on Twitter and then found myslelf amazed that they had managed to make a sitcom out of it, I just couldn't understand how a twitter feed could be turned into a full scale script. As I read this (short) book today I realised that the sitcom is probably worth checking out too.
Basically a collection of short tales of Justin's interactions with his Father at various stages of his life followeed by tweet style quotes, this ends up being a very enjoyable read. I started it by accident this morning and two elongated breaks later and its almost finished. There are some fantastic pearls of short tempered wisdom here and although some may think his father comes across as a foul mouthed grump I think he comes across as a very decent human being.
The section where he was coaching baseball little league and up against pushy parents was my favourite part. The challenging of one the parents who had harrassed a boy until he cried despite knowing his deprived background was a fantastic demonstration of the real Halpern Snr.
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