The first thing that strikes you about the 1997 masterpiece that is Spiritualized's Ladies and Gentlemen we are floating in space is the package it is delivered in. Packaged in a pill box and boasting a prescription sticker, the cd itself in a plastic pill blister to be popped open and the instruction booklet listing the benefits and Side effects of Spiiritualized. "Spiritualized is used to treat the heart and soul."
Once popped the album itself is one of those defining albums of a time. The history of this album is almost as famous as the packaging with Spiritualized's Jason Pierce and Kate Radley forming two sides of Brit indie love triangle with the Verve's Richard Ashcroft. The pairs break up resulting in an album that is a genuinely astounding piece of work. The opening track Ladies and gentlemen builds layers of vocals and orcestration, the recent reissue finally has the elements of Elvis Presley's Can't help falling in love with you added. The twelve tracks on the album include hazy pop songs, psych rock and distorted orchestra's and in some places are far from an easy listen. As the closing track Cop shoot cop ends a mere 17 minutes after it started you feel deeply affected. By what, depends on you. Ladies and Gentlemen we are floating in space is the answer to those that say modern music is not an art form.
Listen on Spotify.
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