Thursday, 18 March 2010

Dear Tom

Tom Levitt is standing down as High Peak Mp at the General Election this year so this is probably the last letter I'll send to him. Its like the end of an era.

Dear Tom Levitt,

I am writing to you about the upcoming Digital Economy Bill which appears to be being rushed through before Parliament is disolved before the General Election. I feel that this piece of legislation is detrimental to the Public and should be thoroughly examined and debated by the elected representatives of the country and not left to The Government and front Bench MP's to oversee what appears to be a piece of legislation that is to the benefit of the large media companies rather than the good of the public.

There are many sections of the bill which are contentious but I will focus on the one area I find to be exceptionally unacceptable, the area of having your internet connection cut off for alleged file sharing of copyrighted media. This is a clause which has been dictated by the media companies to include and defies the main principles of the law in this country of being innocent until proven guilty. This has been included because it is so difficult to prove that someone has been file sharing copyrighted media. If it is so difficult to prove by huge corporations with unl;imited amounts of money how will teh ordinary memebr of public prove that they haven't been file shairng. Wirless internet is in common use across the country and it is exceptionally easy to bypass security on these systems.

What right have the media corporations to dictate the legislation of this country and to threaten us with disconnection because they have failed to adapt to a changing media and market. I urge you to ensure that this bill gets teh scrutiny it deserves and the contentious clauses that benefit the big media companies and not the General Public are removed.

An interent connection is not a fundamental human right in teh same way that walking, reading or posting a letter isn't. Our rights are being eroded at the request of big businesses and it should not be allowed to pass with out contest.

Yours sincerely.

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