I have been trying to follow the climate scientist email hacking debate but I just find it all exasperating. It's not that I don't understand that emails were hacked and they have used terms like 'tricks' and other stuff but I just can't for the life of me understand why it's a great global warming fraud as stated in the daily express. I read a column from the times about it and I just thought 'so what'. It's not a smoking gun that reveals man made climate change is a communist plot to make all wax jacket wearing range rover drivers pay more tax. It just isn't. I have tried to read through the climate skeptics posts on CIF on the Guardian but it's just so depressing. They use facts like 'if global warming is real why is it cold outside?' and have jumped on private conversation sent via email and taken sentenc es out of context that don't even sound that incriminating. CIF is depressing though, it's like a magnet for right wing knobs, the Guardian should just ditch it as a bad idea. User generated content is fine if the users are reasonably informed and literate, there should be some kind of test before your allowed to post, perhaps an IQ test and a simple general knowledge quiz.
Don't even get me started on you tube comments.
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