Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Nazi punks fuck off

It was the 65th Anniversary of the D-day landings over the weekend. That moment in History when allied forces landed on the French beaches and proceeded to drive the Nazis out of occupied Europe.


So how did we celebrate in Britain? By voting two of them into the European parliament! I am ashamed to be from the North of England this week as the unbelievable happened.



That was how I felt Yesterday morning as I did a quick check on the news before I left. How could this happen? Surely there weren’t enough people who would buy into this tripe and vote for Fascists?



When you look deeper into the voting however, the BNP didn’t actually have any increase in support, in fact in most areas their share of the vote was down. The problem has been that Labour voters stayed at home and didn’t vote, this meant that under the proportional representation of the European Parliament, the BNP got in (beating the Green Party by 0.3%). It is Labours fault and there is no denying it. They have alienated their supporters on the left with the war and privatisation and now they have alienated their Sun/Star reading supporters by not deporting enough Muslims. There has been a lot of debate about whether or not people should be accusing the BNP voters of being racist and that they are perhaps misguided and this is a protest vote. I would like to draw your attention to this Yougov poll, which is summarised here. Some of the more interesting statistics are that almost half of BNP supporters disagree with the statement “Non-white British citizens who were born in this country are just as ‘British’ as white citizens born in this country”. There is also 72% of BNP voters who think the government should encourage voluntary repatriation. I agree with the statement that 100% of BNP supporters are racist.



The fact that 87% of supporters believe that local councils let immigrant families jump council house queues needs to be challenged. This is where local councils are to blame for not challenging these claims loudly enough to make a point. It’s time to start debunking the myths, challenging the views and legally challenging the constitution of the BNP. Their membership criteria is discriminatory and should be challenged in court. It's not enough anymore for the main campaign against the BNP to be “don’t vote for them, their bad”, people are voting for them and won’t be dissuaded by telling them it’s wrong to vote for a racist party, they want to vote for a racist party and no amount of trying to convice them is going to solve that.


Nick Griffin MEP for the North West



Mrs Misanthrope » Oh the shame said...

[...] Lee says it much better than I could. House of blue lights [...]

shell said...

Brilliant post Lee. You said everything I would've like to have said but all I could muster was shouting 'cunts!' at the tele.

I will say though that although I don't agree that immigrant families are jumping the council house queue surely there must be some truth in them taking all our doctors appointments, dental spaces, jobs, wives, eating our dogs and our old people. Surely that must be true. Surely.

Ingenuity Lee said...

I read in the Daily Mail the other day that old people are a delicacy for people from Romaniland. And! They use money from our welfare system to buy the gas to cook them with. Bastards!