I must admit that there have been some corkers. My particular favourite has been the Tory MP Douglas Hogg who claimed on his expenses to have the moat around his big fucking Tory Castle cleaned. This single piece of information has blown away the last 2 years of campaigning from David Cameron attempting to change the image of the Conservative party. The most important thing to remember is not the dishonesty in claiming for such an extravagance, but the fact he has got a fucking moat! I have a dip in my patio outside the back door and when it rains hard it fills with water, it’s like poor mans moat, more a puddle really. If I ever get elected to parliament I promise that when I get those flags cleaned I won’t claim on my expenses.
The latest revelation which is just superb is the Tory MP Sir Peter Viggers, who claimed £32,000 in gardening expenses over three years including a claim for a Duck House. I don't even know what that is!
Our local MP’s haven’t been faring so well either, Stalybridge MP James (Labours biggest Arse) Purnell has been outed for avoiding paying Capital Gains Tax when he sold his house. I don’t think it puts him in a less favourable light than some of his welfare reforms such as taking benefits off alcoholics if they can’t get better or reducing housing benefit for single mothers if they don’t go on the game.
I pass his house in Broadbottom when I get the train in to work. Nice place, think it needs a moat though, it’s probably in the planning stages.
My MP Tom (Levitt) who I write to regularly much to his annoyance is in the top ten MP's for the amoount of expenses he claimed. You can read a defense of this situation here. Apparently his salary is only that of a deputy head teacher in a medium sized comprehensive school and some of his furniture is second hand. I think its disgraceful and will be organising for his salary to be increased. If Douglas Hogg can have a moat so can Tom.
Remember - never vote for someone with a moat!
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