Monday, 23 March 2009

Gran Torino


We went to the pictures last night as a consolation prize instead of seeing Richard Herring. It was short notice so there wasn't much on we could see. Most of the screens were taken up with Lesbian Vampire Killers and Paul Blart-Mall Cop and you know how I hate those art house pretentious films. The only thing on that was half decent was Gran Torino I believe I'm right when I say it's his last film as an actor, it was about racial tensions and stereotypes. The film was OK Clint only really has a couple of facial expressions and he used them to full effect, all in all it was a bit predictable. What we didn't predict though was some of the audiences reaction to the film. They were laughing at the racist remarks and insults such as spooks, gooks and slopes. They were actually repeating what he said and laughing. In their small brains they must have thought it was a movie version of Till death do us part or love thy neighbour. Clint was the new Alf Garnett, racial abuse with a friendly face on Christmas day. It really was terrible I heard a woman at one point repeat what he said and chuckling I turned round to look her in the face and it seemed to stop her. Shelley thought that perhaps they were a bit confused and thought they were supposed to find it a bit funny. I said she was giving them too much benefit of the doubt and they were just fucking morons. I suggest next time they go and watch Lesbian Vampire Killers.

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