Monday, 26 January 2009

Broken face

Last night I shaved off my beard which I had been itching to do for around a week. Not really sure why but I thought it was time for a change. Shelley mentioned the other week that she would like to see my face and I thought so would I.

What I didn't expect was a universal disappointment of my clean shaven face. I myself thought I looked a bit weird. L can't stop staring at me out of the corner of her eye and D was more direct, shouting at me this morning as I tried creeping past his room to grow it back. The best insults came from my Wife, who said I looked like a stupid little boy, wearing his dads shoes. Or my personal favourite - a girl or to be more specific an ugly girl. Bear in mind I have only had a beard for six months, it wasn't like she married a furry face!

So there we have it my masculinity has been washed down the plug hole with my ginger whiskers. I was going to try it for a week but I don't know if I like it and I might grow it back sooner rather than later. The beard was an experiment that I was trying and I hadn't realised that everyone had got as attached to it as I had and I do regret shaving it off, not to worry though it will grow back soon.


An yes I did leave myself with a moustache briefly to see what I would look like. The answer to that is I looked like a musketeer.

1 comment:

shell said...

I'm still deeply upset at the loss of the beard. You'll be glad to hear that mum did in fact say " aww I'm so glad. I hated that bloody beard" but it's also worth remembering that she's mental.